  • Blog
  • by BMC
  • April 18, 2015



    Vitamin C, which is one of the better known antioxidants, helps treat and prevent acne by nurturing and protecting your skin, according to Acne-Resource.org. Vitamin C works as a skin barrier to fight against free radicals caused by such toxins as bacteria and pollution. Take advantage of the benefits of vitamin C for your facial pores–it can reduce blemishes and keep your pores clear.

    rejuvenate your skin by promoting elastin and collagen development. Whether you ingest vitamin C through food or as a supplement, or you use a topical vitamin C formula, it helps produce elastin and collagen while it releases oil and dirt in skin pores, according to DocShop.com. Collagen and elastin are essential proteins needed to make new skin, according to the University of Maryland Medical Center.

    Another benefit of vitamin C for facial pores is its ability to help heal skin. Topical vitamin C works directly on skin to heal pores as it stabilizes collagen, according to DermNetNZ.org. Vitamin C in any form speeds up wound recovery. It directly heals “acne-prone skin” and thwarts the development of blemishes, according to Acne-Skin-Care.ca.


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