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by BMC
An anti-aging facial will have all the steps of a basic facial, but with ingredients that are targeted to aging or “mature” skin, which is usually age 40 and up. But you can have anti-aging facials even when you’re in your thirties, because the skin is already showing signs of maturity.
Why Do We Need An Anti-Aging Facial?
As we age, our skin gets thinner and dryer. It loses collagen, which gives it a thick, plump appearance, and elastin, which makes it snap back quickly. The time it takes for healthy young cells to migrate to the topmost layer slow down, which makes skin duller looking. And our faces are more exposed to the elements, and get lines and creases from all the facial expressions we make.
n anti-aging facial might include a chemical peel, collagen masks, and special serums that have antioxidants like vitamin C or ingredients like hyaluronic acid, which attracts water to cells) exfoliates and nourishes the skin to promote clear, well-hydrated skin. It is sometimes called a “deep-cleansing facial” or or “deep-pore cleansing” facial because ofextractions. There are other powerful anti-aging treatments you can get, including photo facialsphoto facials and microdermabrasion.
The Basic Steps of a Anti-Aging Facial
- Cleansing. A anti-aging facial begins with a cleansing with cotton pads or sponges and a product chosen for mature skin, probably a creamy cleanser.
- Skin Analysis. The esthetician covers your eyes and looks at your skin through a brightly lit magnifying lamp that reveal various skin conditions, such as dry skin, broken capillaries, age spots, fine lines and wrinkles. While older skin is less likely to have breakouts, sometimes there are large blackheads.
- Exfoliation using a mechanical or chemical exfoliant. Mechanical exfoliation has a gritty texture and usually happens while a steam vapor is directed at your face. Achemical peel can be a stand-alone treatment or part of the facial. It is generally an upgrade and done in a series.
- Exfoliation using a mechanical or chemical exfoliant. Mechanical exfoliation has a gritty texture and usually happens while a steam vapor is directed at your face. Achemical peel can be a stand-alone treatment or part of the facial. It is generally an upgrade and done in a series.
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