  • Blog
  • by BMC
  • April 30, 2015


    In theory, New Year’s resolutions are a fabulous idea.

    After all, what better way to start the New Year than with a fresh outlook on life? In practice, however, this annual ritual has become a bit of a joke, to the point that people make bets about how long their friends’ and loved ones’ resolutions are going to last. For some, it’s gotten so futile that they’ve stopped making resolutions altogether.

    The problem, says David L. Katz, MD, director of the Yale Griffin Prevention Research Center in Derby, Connecticut, is that many resolutions are unrealistic and poorly executed. “Most resolutions involve inspiration but no preparation,” he says. “For long-term success, a detailed and sustainable action plan is key.”

    With help from our experts, we’ve put together a list of resolutions for you to try. Many are a spin on the usual resolutions, but with tips for making them stick.

    1. Change your health outlook.
    Instead of seeing it as all-or-nothing, look at health as a continuum, says Rallie McAllister, MD, MPH, a family physician in Lexington, Kentucky, and founder and medical director of The Mommy MD Guides. “Every decision that I make moves me closer to one end of the continuum (good health) or the other (poor health),” she says. “For instance, drinking a soda would move me in the wrong direction, while drinking a glass of water would move me in the right direction. By making small, positive decisions, I move closer and closer to good health.”

    2. Integrate exercise.

    For most people, exercise is an add-on, something that they do if they can find time. It’s much easier to accommodate if you find ways to incorporate activity into your daily routine. “Climbing the stairs to the third floor takes just a minute longer than waiting for the elevator. Likewise, jogging to the mailbox at the end of my driveway takes a minute or two, but it’s so much better for me than simply leaning out my car window as I drive by,” McAllister says.

    This goes for the office. Using a smaller water glass and implementing “email free Fridays,” where you walk messages to colleagues as opposed to sending them, can boost your step count and help you lose weight faster. “When we find reasons to stay active throughout the day, we can afford to miss an exercise session every now and then,” McAllister says.

    3. Say goodbye to fad diets.
    Losing weight is a staple resolution…which could explain why so many diets fail, says Nadia Rodman, RD, registered dietitian for Curves Health Clubs and Fitness Centers for Women. “It’s fine to have weight loss as a goal, but instead of following the latest diet craze, focus your efforts on eating healthfully,” she says. Though that’s not to say fad diets get everything wrong. Steering clear of empty calories and loading up on whole food and healthy fats are steps in the right weight loss direction.

    4. Head back to the kitchen.

    “Have you noticed that kitchens are getting fancier and fancier, yet fewer and fewer people are actually using them?” Rodman says. The beauty of resolving to do more of your own cooking is that you gain more control over the nutritional quality of your meals. Rodman’s suggestion? “Prepare your own food from fresh ingredients. You will save calories and money, and you will be healthier for it,” she says.

    5. Unplug daily.
    Thanks to modern electronics, we’re switched on, tuned in 24/7—and more stressed than ever. Not to mention a growing body of research finds that media overload can increase your risk for depression, social anxiety, job burnout, and even allergies. The solution? “Spend an hour, 10 hours, or a full day without your cell phone, Blackberry, computer, or games,” urges Ashley Koff, RD, a registered dietitian in Los Angeles. “What will happen if someone can’t reach you or you can’t reach someone else at a moment’s notice? Where will your imagination take you?”

    6. Conquer clutter.
    Another way to reduce your stress level (and boost your mood) is to work on clearing out the clutter in your home. “Living in the midst of clutter saps your energy,” says Thom Lobe, MD, owner of Rejuveneda Medical Group in Beverly Hills, California. “Clean up your mess, and it will open up your life for more positive energy.”

    7. Get your financial house in order.
    There’s no time like the present to lay out a plan for saving more and spending less. To get started, Jim Roberts, PhD, professor of marketing at Baylor University in Waco, Texas, recommends establishing an emergency fund of $2,500 and reducing your credit card use for an entire year.

    Other saving secrets? Live below your means. If you do it consistently, you’re automatically saving consistently. Aim to save at least 10% of what you earn after taxes—15% if you’re over 35 and haven’t started yet. If you can’t save 10%, start by saving something and watch that stash start to grow.


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